A great twist on a commonly used game concept. Liked it a lot. The time reversal was a original idea.
A great twist on a commonly used game concept. Liked it a lot. The time reversal was a original idea.
Excellent Idea, its really a cool concept and fun game. Could have gone a lot farther with it, though.
Pretty swell, wasn't able to make it past the second level but I'm quiet dumb.
Ah, it's ok! Thanks!!!
Mediocre. Good time waster but nothing more, typical level up process, typical enemy level-up process.
I am so tired of seeing early climaxes on newgrounds! I consistently find great games, such as this one, that were seemingly cut short. This game, as well as others, were great to play, but so limited!! If you were to put more time into games with potential like these, you could really do great things. Good movie anyways.
...fair enough...
Thanks for the words of encouragement, an update is coming, I assure you! Its hard to keep motivated on this project because many people don't appreciate it and I can't really use it on resumes. But posts like this help, thank you :). It might take some time, but I've completely re-done the code/project from the ground up, expect big things
Pretty good idea, could have been taken very far. I hope, you are wrong.
I played this game on Chrome, and unfortunately the only visible additions to the planet were the Atmosphere and Land options. Adding humans, plants, and everything else was not visible. This was disappointing, of course, but I give you three stars because this really is a stupendous idea. If you were to re do this and pour a unusual amount of time and resources into the production, you could make a game that would easily be best of the year. I love games like these, and unfortunately there are not many left out there, pure simple upgrade games! I hope you look into doing something more with this.
Thanks for your review. Atmosphere, Land, Plants, Humans, and Temples all have effects. Bacteria (too small), Prophets (just humans), and Animals don't have any visible changes.
Pretty unique, a bit repetitive, Liked it!
Wonderful game, really excellent. Hard to find a online video game that makes you think now. Really spectacular, you don't even really understand what the character is till' the end, and it ties in to moder days. Great Game.
Great game. Been on this damn site for seven years haha, don't get much time on it anymore but it's still what took up most of my time during my tween years haha. Go Henry.
Good work being on the site so long! Longer than me even
I love newgrounds!
Age 28, Male
Odd jobs.
Austin High.
Austin, Texas.
Joined on 1/4/09