lollololoololololololololol still got it dude. tord is my fav. hes soooo stupid but sooooo funny and unaware, and the more unaware and stupid, the better aand funnier.
lollololoololololololololol still got it dude. tord is my fav. hes soooo stupid but sooooo funny and unaware, and the more unaware and stupid, the better aand funnier.
super cool, but i cant believve tord left even thought its just a movie
lol keep it up
keep it up man, this is bombed oout to the bone and i love ure animation designs, they add humor and funny to em.
lol he shot santa
i love all ure games and movies and even if they sucked ide give em a ten fer funniest vids ive ver seen! i love the animation, and omg he shot santa claus! lols ure ausome man
omg funny
very god, and i understand that bad launguage makes stuff funnier, but u put tu much. lay off the cussing and you should make more!!! :)
i luved it. sooo funny and ausome but slow, but thats k
my favorite was the dude wid tong stickeng out
omg hahahah cant sto hahahhahap laughfing hahahahah
its alright
i thought it was slow and not action fiklled but it was funny good one :)!!
it was sick, but absolutely funny. did u make the voice sounds?
if u did, good one. my fav is the chainsaw
very good
very good but it was based of of dawn of the dead and i like it when ppl come up with their own ideas
Not really based on Dawn of the Dead at all. Just the ending really. Dotd took place in a mall, and this movie took place in the entire city and what not.
I love newgrounds!
Age 28, Male
Odd jobs.
Austin High.
Austin, Texas.
Joined on 1/4/09